[Video] I want to look better: I have been aesthetically enhanced!


I suppose most of you have already heard about my countless chirping of the aesthetic enhancements at Astique, The Aesthetic Clinic.

From the initial consultation with Dr Matthew Yap, to the day of the procedures & video produced by MFP, now it has been a few weeks after my jaws & nose job!

And, I am here to show you more photos of the already “settled” nose & jaws!

PhotobucketCompare the above photo, you will spot the used-to-be flatter top part of the nose bridge and the sharper one.

The nose is looking so naturally sharp now that I have come to think that this is my original nose. Or put it this way, that I was born like this. LOL!

Having “mastered” the massaging-molding skills, I no longer get too paranoid about protecting my nose & always trying to avoid people at all cost just in case they bump into me, into my nose.

And my jaws, did I really have fat jaws before? It all seems like ages ago. I am so accustomed to my look now~!

PhotobucketI love the nose and jaw from the 45 degrees angle!


PhotobucketThere are people who told me that I look different but can’t exactly pin-point what and where is the difference.

The most common that people ask is : “Did you lose weight?”

See the power of jaw-slimming? 😉

The other day, sis was asking Dad why didn’t he object me from doing aesthetic treatments like these. Dad replied: “It’s so common now mah! Do lah, it’s okie.”

HAHA. Modern dad? That’s because my dad does botox too. And most importantly, we should understand what these treatments are about. It’s non-invasive with almost no downtime, so why not? Of course, it’s still up to individual’s preferences. If you’re happy with how you look, that’s very good. For those who thinks otherwise, fortunately we have options available!

Based on my experience, I’m gonna share some personal tips with you!

If you want to do/have just done nose fillers:

  • Have your spectacles adjusted so it fits you correctly to reduce the chances of your new nose bridge from “moving”; otherwise, it’s advisable to try not to wear glasses for too long as the fillers’ in its softest (most unstable form) for the first few days – a week.


  • Do regular knuckles-rolling massage on the nose bridge to keep the shape up. You can do a little of pinching too, but that’s if you’re confident of doing correctly!
  • Avoid facials! (Unless you ain’t got any blackheads to be extracted)
  • Avoid sleeping on your sides or face-down. (Just 3 minutes of squashing your nose take a LONG time to shape it back!)
  • Be careful when you make out with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • Be gentle when picking your nose! Strictly no DIGGING allowed! ;-p

If you want to do/have just done jaw botox:

  • Know your “before” jaws well by clenching & relaxing your jaws repeatedly so that you can feel and see the difference of the “after” better.
  • After the botox is done, reduce hard food intake frequency. The more you work those muscles, the faster the muscles will “re-develop”. Take food that doesn’t require aggressive chewing. (Good for ladies who want to keep a watch on their diet too! Jaws stay slim, so does the body!)
  • Massage jaw line! It not only help loosen up the jaw muscles, but also help in lifting too! (read my DIY face massage post here)

Also, always feel free to check with the doctor if you are unsure of anything!

The above 2 procedures are priced from $800 at Astique, The Aesthetic Clinic.


Here’s the video of the procedures! Brought to you by myfatpocket.com.


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I want to look better: The Process!


2 weeks ago, I blogged about my consultation at Astique, The Aesthetic Clinic whereby nose fillers & jaw botox were recommended by Dr Matthew Yap.

PhotobucketOn the day of actual works, i was accompanied by the MFP crew to take photographs (which I used massively in this post) and to film the whole process so we can share with you how the procedures went! (Video will be available on myfatpocket.com later)

PhotobucketDon’t believe me if I tell you I am not nervous nor excited!

This is my 1st time doing aesthetics treatment & I was very surprised at myself since I didn’t think I would ever go for any kind of cosmetics enhancement.

I do think a lot all the time how would I look if my nose is smaller, nose bridge is higher or my jaws are perceptually slimmer. I used to imagine how much sharper my jaw/chin will look if let’s say I “shave” off my jaw bones.

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