I want to look better: The Process!


2 weeks ago, I blogged about my consultation at Astique, The Aesthetic Clinic whereby nose fillers & jaw botox were recommended by Dr Matthew Yap.

PhotobucketOn the day of actual works, i was accompanied by the MFP crew to take photographs (which I used massively in this post) and to film the whole process so we can share with you how the procedures went! (Video will be available on myfatpocket.com later)

PhotobucketDon’t believe me if I tell you I am not nervous nor excited!

This is my 1st time doing aesthetics treatment & I was very surprised at myself since I didn’t think I would ever go for any kind of cosmetics enhancement.

I do think a lot all the time how would I look if my nose is smaller, nose bridge is higher or my jaws are perceptually slimmer. I used to imagine how much sharper my jaw/chin will look if let’s say I “shave” off my jaw bones.

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